Feb 9, 2021Liked by Kenya Foy

I am right there with you Kenya! Bravo on everything stated. It’s hard to function from day to day for me. I have been working from home since March of 2020 and there are day when I want to just take out the trash and keep going...never to be heard from again. But then “responsible” creeps in and reminds me of wayyyy to many things to do. So I turn, and come back... I can only image how wonderful it will be to get away! Life has changed so much. I am old enough to remember the days phone “party lines”and getting a “busy signal”when you called a friend. In this day of computers, cell phones, Skype and all the other electronic chains that bind us...you are so right! It’s just too darn much!!!!!Enjoy your upcoming trip Kenya! ❤️

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Lol that trash scenario is too funny but relatable. I'm tired of being responsible!!! And yes, these devices absolutely bind us. They are a gift and a curse, but it's important to try and find balance. Thank you for reading and commenting :)

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